Train your brain so you don’t need reading glasses.
Studies show that hypnotherapy is very effective in the short and long term for back pain resulting from anxiety, fears, past worries, and worries for the future.
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to improving your chances of fertility. Improve your chances of fertility by priming your mind, body and spirit
Skin disorders may be painless or painful, can be permanent or temporary. Either way, you would want to get rid of it.
All the emotions sit in the gut; an upset stomach needs tailored therapy with AYAH.
Blood Pressure is known as “the silent killer” - it is attributed to stress, poor diet, lack of exercise and emotional distress, overweight, but all those causes have one or two hidden reasons.
If you suffer from high or low blood pressure, walk with AYAH to access the source and make the necessary changes you need to improve your health.
Hair loss leads to low self-confidence, low body image, and less enjoyable social engagement. Hair was and will always be a factor of beauty. Evaluate and improve your relationship with your hair with AYAH.
AYAH can help you understand how the chronic pain cycle works and teach you how to break it.